2021-05-04 The world of programming language theory 如何把程序语言理论相关的内容应用到信安领域上是我主要的研究方向. 下面是关于程序语言理论的一些笔记: 类型系统(Type Theory) Types and Programming Languages的读书笔记 证明论(Proof Theory) Proof Theory笔记 抽象解释(Abstract Interpretation) 经典抽象解释之Galois connection paper笔记 PL73 A unified approach to global program optimization "Precise interprocedural dataflow analysis via graph reachability" by Reps, Horwitz, and Sagiv Path-Sensitive Sparse Analysis without Path Conditions 范畴化(Categorical Sementics) Categorical Semantics for STLC 安全应用(Security Implementation) Type System + Security = ? 杂物 关于Maple Algebra的这一路